29 January, 2006

Huuuuuuuurrrrn! hurr rrrr rrrrrn

Holy shit. My insides.

what I'm learning

Directly quoted from an online Physics quiz:
3.  The force exerted on the tires of a car to
directly accelerate it along the road is exerted by
the [Hint]:

a. grooves in the tire surface.
b. friction on the tires themselves.
c. interaction between the front and rear tires.
d. motor of the car.
e. pavement.

Your Answer:
d. motor of the car.

Correct Answer:
e. pavement.
Oops, is the motor part of the tire system? Think more.

negative, I am a meat popsicle

Injury is the perpetual state of humanity. It's not a terrible thing, and certainly this is just one way of seeing things; but the second law of thermodynamics will have its way, regardless of our saying so. My current injury is fascinating; getting used to using my left hand for everything, not constantly fiddling with my fingers, not to mention the just plain weirdness of having watched myself operated on, gives me the deep impression of being a pile of meat loosely structured around a skeletal system, some unexplainable network of sentience near the top providing a running commentary every second. Feel like I've been at Chöd for years.

Anyway, typical foggy/rainy sunday afternoon on the Bay over here, and I should probably be doing homework. Meh.

music: Bill Evans, Sunday at the Village Vanguard

27 January, 2006

laughing all the way to the hospital

The vast majority of humanity is not in the Emergency Room right now; this fact is only glaringly apparent... strangely fascinating... after you've spent several hours there, among the weeping and gnashing of teeth that fill the triage center. I had an accident while doing the dishes at home today, a glass broke cleanly while I was scrubbing it and cut my RH 5th finger pretty deeply at the middle joint. When after 10-15 min the bleeding didn't stop, H took me to the ER, where we spent the next 3~4 hours. Four stitches. And I got to watch! Man it was weird. I won't go into great detail, but suffice it to say that hand hurts now, and I had to call in to work.

Blood is a brighter red than I remember.

music: Stan Richardson, Shakuhachi music

Update, 7:56pm: GOD DAMN my hand hurts like a bitch!

22 January, 2006

a josh by any other name

Jerry recently brought this to my attention, making me laugh insanely with powermadness. Then I googled some more, and found this, this and this. Which cannot stand. Either they all have to die at once, or I need to change my name. Pontius Price? Carlos "the Jackal" Price? If Dane's going to be "The Light Bringer," can I be Christeos Luciftias? Use the comments box, do it do it do it.

music! *does a little dance*

14 January, 2006

come show me

The familiar grows up around us like a jungle -- these quotidian patterns we cultivate arrange organically, give abundant food for our habit-hungry psyches. Lush and verdant, the density of the known can be blinding.

Sometimes you need a trip (back) into the desert.

music: Mogwai, Friend of the Night

09 January, 2006

a watershed moment in internetocracy

Jesus Christ, people.

Hey, I've got anonymous comments open, anybody wanna break federal law and tell me how much I suck? You know you can't resist.

02 January, 2006

temporal harmonic convergence

I got the sore throat fo' sho'. I suspect throat rabies. Called in sick today, looking forward to immersing in H's many textbooks for the quarter. Also bunches of Nabokov, but that can wait until my mind reassembles.

2006 is sparkling fresh still, the just-out-of-the-package polystyrene-and-japanese-air smell intact. Resolutions? I got one for ya: how about 64 short (probably micro) stories, based on the hexagrams of the I Ching. Eh? It's gonna be awesome, you know it.

OK. As you were, humanity.

'Bye, 2005.

music: Pixies, "Where is my Mind"