29 July, 2009

i (heart) science

28 July, 2009

listen - smell that?

26 July, 2009

where's my inflatable pool

Played a bloody mystical game of baseball yesterday at Cal Anderson park in Seattle for Dawn's birthday, and every part of me is (good) sore. Baseball must happen much more often, yes. And maybe next time there won't be a furry convention going on somewhere nearby (to be fair though, they did keep to themselves). Meanwhile, good luck to everybody looking to escape the heat in the next few days - incapacitating as it is certain to be.

Today's bookstore bonus: found Ezra Pound's hilarious (belligerent) letter to HG Wells (quote: "Waaal, you are pretty messy [...] Backward countries me arse! [...] Nevertheless if you are ass enough to consider Keynes a reliable writer, Khrist and all ---- help you [etc.]"). I do love that Pound rascal.

Sing goddamn, damn. Sing goddamn!
Sing goddamn, damn. Sing goddamn!

Winter is i-cumin in,
Lhude sing goddamn!
Raineth drop and staineth slop
And how the wind doth ram
Sing goddamn!

Skiddth bus and sloppeth us,
An ague hath my ham
Freezeth river, turneth liver,
Damn you, sing goddamn.
Goddamn, goddamn, tis why I am goddamn,
So gainst the winter's balm.

Sing goddamn, sing goddamn, DAMN!

~Ancient Music, Ezra Pound

17 July, 2009

ah! the sublimity of humour

14 July, 2009

gravity's lolz

10 July, 2009

bearded destiny (find me the white whale)

04 July, 2009

errata (agenda (candelabra))

I'm pretty sure this (img = link) is my new favorite thing on the entire internet. It works on so many levels. And hypnotic, really. You could just spend all day staring.

-The 4th was bleeding awesome: plenty of awesome people, lots of substandard beer, a whole valley full of fireworks, and ice cream casserole. Plus I got to teach a bright 7 yr old about overtones. It was probably good that I wasn't drunk enough to try to explain the Pythagorean comma. (Close call, though.)

-Earthbound is the most underrated game I hadn't heard of until a month ago (despite that being a somewhat narrow category). How did I miss that?

-I've been reading the 3e PM & DMG intensively, in preparation for DMing (just a module at first). Maintaining immersive narrative, keeping game flow smooth, and most importantly being a walking rulebook... it is quite a challenge, but the dividends will be well worth it. ...NERD!!

-Sordid Sentinals show this thursday at the New Frontier, with distinguished guests! Of distinguishment!

-The other day I was idly wondering what percentage of my sum "knowledge" has been gained from the internet. I estimate the figure at over 51%. Long live the Internet.