26 October, 2008


It almost feels like the last month has been killing time before seeing Cecil Taylor. It's not true, of course - but that's how excited I am for this evening's show. It is a culmination. It feels like the last dregs of the drama at work are finally being squeezed out, and as soon as the shift lead decision is made, it will feel like a great cadence to a very satisfying resolution. Whatever happens, happens. I feel very content right now.

So, this week is going to be awesome. Halloween party friday at Riley's place, jamming with (& as) Plague Doctors (excellent graphic forthcoming). And I'll have to post whatever I come up with for Tuesday's story club. Hopefully it's good.

Ps, go here. The site will probably only last a week, but it's a really neat concept.

Pps, Jeff Mangum came out of hiding for a second. Wee!

24 October, 2008


08 October, 2008

story club #6: [no theme]

...once again written in about half an hour. This one may seem sloppy (too), but if you take into consideration that it's based in my life then it coheres a bit better. Whoa! Pretentious!

In other Joshtown news, my iPod has defected to the Russkies. Treasonous bastard. Turns out the week I start using both iTunes & Winamp to manage my iPod, which coincidentally is also the week a new version of iTunes comes out (hmmm), my iPod is no longer recognized by any computer (though I still can play its music). All's good though, like all things I'm sure the iPod benefits from a wipe & reload. I'm actually looking forward to it. Now just to find the time.

03 October, 2008

two friday things

Apologies for not posting over my entire vacation last week - I'll get around to some kind of meaty update soon. As always there's great stuff all around. But for now: today I've been totally grooving on this, as well as the following excerpt from Abraham Maslow's The Farther Reaches of Human Nature:

"The past is active and alive only insofar as it has re-created the person, and has been digested into the present person. It is not or should not be something other than the person, something alien to it. It has now become Person (and has lost its own identity as something different and other), just as past steaks that I have eaten are now me, not steaks. The digested past is different from the undigested past."

Also I think I pulled a muscle in my neck at the Y today. Ouch.