30 January, 2005

the reflected sound of everything

Nothing really is new... I've been doing homework all weekend, with a short break to watch "Like Water for Chocolate." Chick flick, but not so bad. It's funny, I find myself wishing I had more time to read, and instead I have to do waaaaaaaay more reading than I do. One of my classes is a mythology class (an english credit), and the text, "World Mythology," contains condensations of those very beautiful ancient epics I'm always wishing I was reading (Ramayana, Iliad, Beowulf, etc). Hava was reading the Aeneid for a class last quarter, and it was just one of the most beautiful things I have ever read - now I have to read a condensed version, and it makes my soul hurt. Ah well; it's okay really, after "class" *cough* I do get plenty of practice room time in, and that makes all the difference... though I have yet to gain access to any of the 10 or so Steinway grands I count. Time to plot....

B&H in an upper floor room of the WWU library.

27 January, 2005

Boy, boy, crazy boy...

Got a flat tire at work Tuesday night, fortunately it would have been my last run anyway. I'm still baffled by how big Bellingham seems for what kind of town it is... residentially it's like the suburbs of Seattle (lots of old houses & bungalows), but the businesses are more like downtown Tacoma - endless independant restaurants, shops, etc., with the obligatory chain store here & there.

Kinda sad I won't be trekking down South this weekend... oh well, I can use the time to catch up on schoolwork, which is getting swampy. Sweaty. Smelly, for sure. Blech. I watched West Side Story with the gf yesterday, and shut up, I like it. I can't decide if my favorite gang member is Mouthpiece or Joyboy. ::bites knuckle::

Okay, today's obligatory picture:

Current Music: Tristan und Isolde

22 January, 2005

"How 'bout here?"

Ah, how nice it is to have disposable income again! Pizza delivery hasn't been fantastic money, about 25 bucks a night in tips, but that's nothing to complain about either. And learning this new area - in the dark - is pretty fun when it isn't frustrating (obviously there's a high turnover rate on city planners here). It's kinda like learning to play an FPS in wireframe mode. Hm. Makes you think.

Anyhoo, now we have to go to the local hipster stores (g'ah, hipsters! *shudder*) for decorations and accoutrements. So far:

Eh? Not too shabby for two guys who just moved out. (Yes those are Christmas lights - shut up!) Soon we'll have a modest collection of those unique items that survive every moving purge because you just can't bring yourself to throw them away. Interesting furniture, original art, colorful appliances. Just can't fall irreversibly into the Ikea nesting instinct chasm-syndrome. Hm. ::ponder::

20 January, 2005

That's rough, Bob.

Look what I found in my Business & Society textbook...

19 January, 2005

look, it's a weatherblog!

So the weather has suddenly turned warm (62 degrees!) and windy, and I mean high winds... we opened the livingroom window & my bedroom window in our apartment and the little hallway going between them turned into a wind tunnel. A warm, refreshing wind tunnel. Weird! Anyway, I've got the Mephisto Waltz playing, and it's adding an air of natural mischief; you can almost see the little devils doing a wild dance through the air. Funny little guys. Hehehe. Uh-oh, one of them is eyeing my xbox... gotta go.

Current Music: Earl Wild, The Demonic Liszt (Mephisto Waltz)

13 January, 2005

begin the beguine

So, it's really fuckin' cold here. The snow from last weekend is about halfway melted, and looks suspicious - like it's bargaining for another week, just one more damned day in its sad, cold existence. I like it, though. It's going to take a long time to get used to, especially with my legendary weakness to cold... it's a nice change, anyhow. From "pretty cold" winters to "Jesus Christ, are you joking? That's not winter, I'll show you winter, buddy" winters.

Talked to the local Pizza Hut people today about transferring, so employment is (finally) going to be taken care of. Apparently they're desperate for drivers, which has Braden contemplating transferring, too. It looks really nice there; like people are competent, even good at their jobs, which either means they like it there, or else (I'm quite afraid) they're gluttons for punishment, and therefore emotionally malformed sewer-people with no interpersonal skills who like making other people's lives as hellish as they can. Only time will tell.

More later. Schoolwork calls. Let me know if you're out there!

Current Music: The Life Aquatic [OST]

one small step

Blog blog post. Post post blog. Blog post. Post blog. Blog post blog blog.