30 November, 2007

the next stretch of highway

So Hava has found her own place at last, along with Sasha, in the friendly neighborhood of northern Tacoma. They'll be moving out there over the next few weeks, leaving this nice woodsy hermitage in unincorporated pierce county Turskyless. From what Hava is saying, all her friends assumed that meant the end for us, but really it's nothing but a change. It's not a break in any sense other than spatially, simply another step in the ever-changing ongoing learning experience that is being in a relationship. We're both quite happy & excited about it.

More later.

22 November, 2007

by jack paar's slacks

15 November, 2007


got real sick, stayed home yesterday... gonna work today, hopefully it doesn't destroy my immune system. played extensively with Miro, which Braden told me about ages ago -- it will one day rule teh internet. instead of iMacs they will make Miro stations, you watch. oh and also i found this gem.

07 November, 2007

breathe, breathe in the air

Today on my 28 I engaged in a little rural psychogeography -- woke up early to "watch" the sun rise (the point was to be cognizant of it, anyway), then drove to Mt Rainier Nat'l Park where I held intimate discourse with nature. That's a 65 mile drive I'll likely be making much more frequently. It is an immensely different experience hiking alone, recommended to all. Or too, I'll go with you, it's just so pretty out there. Especially in autumn.

yes, my phonecam was set to sepia by accident. oops.

p.s. On the drive back I saw a grocery store in Spanaway spraypainted "ARE GUV SUCKS DICK". Clever.

06 November, 2007

sweet myrtle & bitter honey

work today was pretty awesome.

01 November, 2007

an open question

Alright everybody, this is it - I've been trying to decide what to do about that pesky birthday I'm having next week, and having thrown around the varieties of parties teeny-to-huge, I think I'm just going to have a free-for-all, knockaround, everybody's invited throwdown party just like last year. Because hell, that worked out quite well, in a best-party-ever sense.

So! The question was gonna be, "what should I do," but apparently my brain just decided the new question is "do you really have a good enough excuse not to come?" Saturday the 10th, at Casa de la Price, say around 7 or 8, there will be free food, free booze, come and mingle with people I have met, and surely some I haven't. You needn't even bring a present!

So revel! Use all that squandered halloween energy and work yourself into a candy-fueled frenzy, 'cause bitches, it's my fuckin birfday.