23 December, 2005

well jesus gonna be here, gonn' be here soon

Working tomorrow until 6.30. Then to Tacoma until monday, when I must return in time for a 6-10. Then off until thursday, where a 7p-11 awaits with tassles on its nipples. New Years? 10a-5 saturday, 10a-6.30 sunday. As I told Braden, this does not negate party-travel, just necessitates certain compromises which I am more than willing to make. Hava however may not be so sparing.

Just thought I'd keep folks posted. The Lord bless & keep blogdom. Do you know of a place where sailors hang out?

musick: Tom Waits, Bone Machine

avatars of optionmas: I

music: Faun Fables, Family Album

21 December, 2005

the southlands: casing the joint

Monday morning I talked to my mom about how we can't wait to get into town, and how H&I had tuesday off but not enough cash for gas, she so generously offered to buy us a tank of gas if we'd come down. So we did. With our traveling minstrel band. Just now we got back, and it's time to go to work. Any plans for this weekend? Next week? How about New Years? I propose for New Years a party the likes of which even God has never seen; many insanely awesome events ocurred during 2005, but I for one am ready to set it on fire and push it off a high cliff into an abandoned mine shaft filled with mongooses and crawling things. Sign up list = comments.

Oh, and if anyone needs to call me, erm, my cell phone is a little bit how you say, outta commission, temporarily. Till the first week of next year. House phone's fine, H's pone is fine. Email's fine. Blogger's fine.


17 December, 2005

keep banging, kids

In case you missed it in comments earlier.


music: Aphex Twin, SAWv2

14 December, 2005


Sweetness. GPA for this quarter was a 3.1. Sadly, my best quarter since maybe 11th grade, but hell I'm not complaining. Woo!!

music: Richard Hell, Blank Generation

13 December, 2005

SJVC's Top* Several Albums of 2005




8 1/2.








and finally...

*subjectivity disclaimer: joshcorp makes no claims. that is all.

music: Optionmas 2001 Mix

honourable mentions:
Sufjan / Decemberists / Sleater-Kinney / Art Brut / Architecture in Helsinki
/ Sons & Daughters / Devendra / Franz Ferdinand / 50' Wave
/ Hippocamp Ruins Pet Sounds (undecided on Sgt Peppers as yet)

12 December, 2005

ever have one of these moments?

Hava got a call in the middle of Dune [Lynch], so I'm sitting at the puter high on decaf with the Allegretto from the 7th playing, transitional bliss, and in a moment everything will be gone. I feel like one of those pictures of mentally ill people lost in their world, head slightly cocked, smiling mysteriously. And I felt like writing about it. It won't mean anything in 20 minutes. Take that.

09 December, 2005

it's like William Blake said

finals are over. school is over. autumn is effectively over, it only remains to follow the spiralling arm of optionmas out past holidays, past commerce and towards friends & family, ultimately past even those warm times, through the deepness of winter. after H's last final this morning we went out for you-bake pizza, slurpees & beer; having eaten a very satisfying meal we fell asleep to Kung-Fu Hustle, and an hour later woke up refreshed. i only hope everyone's having as good a time. see everybody soon.

music: Shpongle, Nothing is lost

surely you're joking, Mr Feynman

Things like this are why BitTorrent is unabashedly awesome.

music: My Bloody Valentine, Glider EP

08 December, 2005

psychedelic music: a celebration

60 Mb mp3s, BBC Radio documentary by David Quantick

Part 1
Part 2

[shamelessly pilfered from warrenellis, so what?]

06 December, 2005


This is going on this year's Optionmas mix. For sure.

muzique: Karkis, Secret Satan

05 December, 2005

the void loves you.

So I'm studying for tonight's art final, and Hava's relaxin & maxin watching "Touched by an Angel," for some reason. And I've come to a decision. I'm going to write a tv drama called "Touched by an Existentialist," where a lanky turtleneck-wearing guy with a lazy eye goes around this great nation, intervening in people's lives only to reveal that, guess what, life has no meaning and the cosmos plays out its absurd comic drama indifferent to our intervention, and that you can avoid fear & anguish by facing your ultimate responsibility amidst this supreme meaninglesness. Awww. I think I just cried a little.

Seriously though, tonight is acts II & III of the Dune miniseries. My frontal lobe is twitching.

04 December, 2005

late. mice & insects late.

this made me think of Dane. i dont know why. other humans may like it too.
