29 January, 2006

what I'm learning

Directly quoted from an online Physics quiz:
3.  The force exerted on the tires of a car to
directly accelerate it along the road is exerted by
the [Hint]:

a. grooves in the tire surface.
b. friction on the tires themselves.
c. interaction between the front and rear tires.
d. motor of the car.
e. pavement.

Your Answer:
d. motor of the car.

Correct Answer:
e. pavement.
Oops, is the motor part of the tire system? Think more.


Blogger Braden said...

That is the most horribly awkward question I have ever read. I hope you weren't graded for that. If you were, any teacher should give that to you if you argued your point [i.e. there have to be TWO forces, one to push and one to push back. Also, I don't understand why it can't be the friction answer]. If they don't, you can take satisfaction that he/she is a small person in a stupid world. In real college this kind of thing comes up sometimes, but there are always people that march down to the front of the room, shove it in the professor's face and say "what the fuck is this asking me?", and make him explain it to the class.

30/1/06 1:30 AM  

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