29 June, 2007

thanks for calling

internet's down. using outside access point. in the event of an emergecy, please use text messaging. thank you.

25 June, 2007


Made the trip up to Bellingham this weekend to fraternize with Braden, which was tons of fun. Hadn't been to Bellingham since I moved away from there almost exactly a year ago. Realized, despite sometimes deep nostalgia, Bellingham & I are done with each other. We went to the 2 best parks while I was there, i.e. Boulevard (by the bay, our old livingroom view) and Whatcom Falls (foresty waterfall, with trails). Also I borrowed his guitar, half to help him out so he doesn't have to move it, half because guitars are awesome and I want to learn. Guitars!!

Also, Hava is mulling over getting her own place & living alone for a while. Nothing sad or drastic, I think it's perfectly healthy. Feels like a good thing for all involved. Lots of food for thought in there.

11 June, 2007

one week only special

got 71 mins? this is really good.