19 September, 2008

saturday morning eyecandy

Wow. I want every single one of these plastered all over my walls. I guess the good news then is the link at the bottom there, to this site. Woo!

air above mountains

So, yes! I have Cecil Taylor tickets, and anyone wishing to experience the music of one of the most intriguing living musical legends, for whom the term "towering musical genius" is no exaggeration (except insofar as he's not very tall), should totally come too. But I understand free jazz isn't everyone's thing, so hey, any Messiaen fans out there? St. James Cathedral and St. Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral in Seattle are doing a cycle of the complete organ works for his centennial, which will be an amazing experience. And uh, anyone who wants to go should, um, let me know. Alright? Alright.

2008 is the year of bloody awesome musics, yes.

17 September, 2008

best headline EVAR

"Dark matter 'bridge to nowhere' found in cosmic void".

At first glance, the mind reels with possibilities of whateverthehell that could be about. Turns out it's some neat science! Yay!

get in solid walls with the know-it-alls

I drove up to Redmond yesterday with a couple coworkers to help out the HalfPrice remodel there, big fun. (Not really! The drive was awful. But I was "volunteered" into it, so not much I could do. Oh well. At least I got some gas cash reimbursement out of the deal.) I'm very greatly looking forward to this vacation next week. (Yes, I'm still feeling resentful about employment as a concept, and maybe my brain is letting that come to a head (ha!) because vacation is impending - stupid brain.) The last month's worth of weekends has been full of some of the funnest things I've done all year, and this weekend I'm looking forward to just chilling out, around town. (Maybe we'll see autumn creeping in, seems like you can tell it's coming pretty reliably when the clouds get really interesting, and yesterday driving south on the 5 they looked like wispy glowing spaceships. Very beautiful.)

ps, everybody blog! the blogosphere is sad because it's hungry.

14 September, 2008

ps, my birthday's coming up

Also I nearly crapped myself when I found out Cecil Taylor's playing in Seattle on 10/26... the week before my birfday... and I can't afford tickets until next friday... hint? Hint?!

the cobwebs of chastity

I went to sleep last night with a strong desire to be unemployed. Hardly surprising given the caliber of awesomeness at Jenny's talent-show birthday party; in fact I wish everyone who came (heck, everyone I know) could be unemployed, because how much greater would the world be without that drain on creativity? Not to mention forfeited time. Man. Stupid work.

Those were the 3 phases of the party: setting up, kicking out the jams, and winding down to songs about praying for rain. And Saturday.

The evening also saw the public debut of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome / MasterSword / TriForce, as well as our first time playing with a drummer. Spectacular! Never has this house been rocked so hard, and thoroughly. I can't wait to see the videos.

rock the bells

The night before we went to Rock the Bells I had a ridiculous dream: Ryan, Jenny & I were down by the stage during the headline show, and between songs the performers bantered with the audience, "Hello! Are there any white people here tonight?" And we 3 raised our hands and looked around, slowly realizing everybody else was black. Don't know why but I wish my dream had come true. There were maybe 10 black folk, total. *sigh*

Oh, Payton. You rascal.

The whole show was bleedin' awesome. I mean uh, fuckin tight. Highlights included Supernatural's hilarious freestyling (which my uncultured ass had never seen before, heh), Sage Francis being really angry & earnest (also mixing his own set, which I guess rarely happens?), Tribe being Tribe, and most definitely, Mos Def.

So the lesson I learned was that hip-hop is not about black culture, indeed has nothing whatsoever to do with race. It's about being poor. Wait, no. It's about political strife. Er, wait - it's about getting high. Well... okay, so it must be about the music.


10 September, 2008

captain hadron (?!)

Science is AWESOME!!

Update, 080914: uh-oh!

09 September, 2008


