31 July, 2005

where's my breakfast beer?

Moving: feh! So much freagin' work, though on the upside it's kinda like a triathlon. (And yes, I have been running every other day to get back into shape - is it strange or sad that I train to move?) So now, Hava's all moved out of her place, which means her stuff & mine is all lying around my place in boxes. We sign papers & get keys on Friday, then the cycle starts again. Back. Forth. Back. Forth. Lift. Drop. Stairs. Lift again. Oi.... Just have to forget Sisyphus and keep in mind, oh I dunno, maybe Odysseus?

Music: shuffled: happens to be Ravi Shankar - wait, now it's Hand In Glove.

27 July, 2005

two steps forward?

Just re-interviewed at Fred Meyer. Looks promising, I'm thinking of going into either the grocery dept or nutrition. Had a dream last night that Glenn Fuller (if you don't know who that is, just imagine: some guy) joined the marines and long story short told me, gently, to stop wasting my life. I wonder what that means. (or do i?)

Update: 07/31/05 Now grocery, not nutrition, is my pref, thx to some good reconnaissance by B. B: when you get back, look forward to happy hour ay Bob's. I do!

music: Blur, Trouble in the Message Center

26 July, 2005

by thor's twins

okay, so it's been pretty hot up here, which means it's a great time to vent (get it? get it?). today: the most evil and iniquitous part of the Ford Excursion. it's not the outlandish size, nor the terrible fuel economy, or even the grating name - it's the positioning of the exhaust pipe, which points directly out and to the starboard side, so that when it's hot out and you've got your window rolled down because you don't have a/c and your stupid job makes you wear thick black pants in the dead of summer, and you're at a stoplight next to one of these behemoths, your little mazda 626 is quickly filled with carbon monoxide and other quite actually nauseating fumes. FIE!!! Fie on Ford. Five Fie's out of a possible Five.

music: vornado whirr

23 July, 2005


Here's a mini-gallery from the trip. Enjoy!

music: Imogen Heap, Hide & Seek

21 July, 2005

c'est arrive hereabouts

blur of sunlit color
passed on the right by time -
we have become our travelling.

Okay, it's not a haiku by form, just pretend it's a translation. Anyway we got back to B'ham from Tacoma this morning at 1030, safe and sound. What a trip. Very soon I'll make a flickr gallery of the best of the pics, and maybe a longer post about the trip itself.

Highlights: San Diego Zoo with the grandparents (which made me rethink the value of a liberal arts education... more later); Korean Class party in Monterey (something about Neil Armstrong and little boys); party at a Buddhist Temple (even though I didn't fulfill my lifelong dream of getting blitzed at one); generally, beautiful scenery throughout the entire trip; swimming 3 times in 4 days; meeting Dane's whoa-man; and tons of other little things that keep popping to mind and making me smile inanely.

current music: Dire Straits shuffle

06 July, 2005

itinerary, for those concerned or curious

(and me, so I don't forget)

July 10: drive to Tacoma (1.75 hrs), spend the night.
July 11: wake up butt-crack early, drive to Shasta Lake, CA (8 hrs). Camp some.
July 12: again wake up early, drive to Carlsbad, CA (9 hrs). Dance Party with G'parents, potential dinner with Aunt & Uncle.
July 15: noon, leave for Monterey (7 hrs). Decopage workshop with Dane.

... (??? Oregon Coast at some point) ...

July 21: Hava scheduled to work at 3pm. Blammo!

music: Modern Lovers, Roadrunner

05 July, 2005

flow my bbq'd foods + booze, the policeman said

I guess I don't invite hard enough, because our 4th exploda-bash ended up being just the standard Braden Jared Hava & I (by sunset, anyway). Ah well, hamburgers in the freezer and even (gasp!) some booze left over. Future fun time cache. No fireworks left though, Jared TCB'd that front in the most daring display of pyromancy since Arachnophobia, only with WD-40. I shit you not. I wish I had pictures.

Next week Hava & I are packing up the car and heading as far south as a shell card will take us, to visit my grandparents in San Diego, perhaps pit stop in teejay, then head back up and on the way try and catch Dane before his gradjimication on the 21st (don't know if we'll actually be able to stay for it, though... H may be scheduled to work). For those who haven't heard, and since Big 'n Lanky doesn't update his blog like he should, he's headed to Texas August 5th until February, then Korea. Anyway we're looking to do some camping, partly for economical lodging, partly for Schopenhauerian natural contemplation, mostly for fun times. Which reminds me, the summer is far from over, we need to get a bigger group together for still more camping, since it's just about my favorite thing in the world I almost never get to do.

I'm really itching to move into the new place. Maybe that's just because I want my ops base more secure, with my wide-view command window ready to gather maritime intelligence. Yes, it shall be glorious. I hope Hava doesn't mind Japanese temple decoration.

current beverage: vanilla soy milk. yum! a healthy treat. ::maliciously fake advertising smile::