31 July, 2007

esprit d'escalier

know what's weird? when you come home at 11:30 at night, check your blogs and find out one of the ones you've been reading for the long haul suddenly features an obituary of its writer. even weirder, that it didn't even register five minutes earlier when i read about her partner's death on BoingBoing. both apparent suicides. how incredibly fucking weird.

Theresa Duncan, requiescat in pace.

27 July, 2007


the younger josh was apparently more pissed off.

21 July, 2007

hello, neighbor

of course fox news thinks Fred Rogers is evil - by ingraining kids with the idea that they are special just for being who they are, giving the gift of implicit self-worth in the face of overwhelming pressure to conform, he empowered the little, laying the foundation for fluid distribution of power [in utter opposition to power structures of permanence favored by fascisms]. he's the most subversive agent of [the good kind of] anarchy for this generation of our nation's young, the closest thing to a saint in an anti-centralist canon. fight on, Fred, one day we'll all be neighbors.

wonder if you'll ever see the sun

12 July, 2007

not yr father's PSA

06 July, 2007

near death happiness late show

...but will there be vomit, I ask?

04 July, 2007

trudge trudge trudge

what'sat? i work 9-5 on the fourth of july? what kind of hypercapitalist system are we living in here? fie. all i can say is: nothing will get done today. nothing.

homework: celebrate the independance of your country by blowing up a small piece of it.

03 July, 2007

like a junky needs junk

(...) is how I need internet like. Good lord. And thank the gods of useless addictions, it's back. Like Rampthnor, the god of string-cheese addiction. He's a powerful one, yes.

Anyway, went to a show friday, Elephants, freaking good time. Awkwardness with a male associate. Getting used to it. Yesterday work was great, we're in the middle of inventory and doing actual work was impossible because things needing to get counted can't be shelved, so yes, full day of standing around, talking, doing whatever. We'll see if today measures up, which it can't, though I can't help but be optimistic.