27 January, 2007

furry aquisitions: yaaaaaaaaaaak!

My mom & Caseyman are getting 2 Yaks. Wait, Tibetan Yaks. A mother & yakling. And I deserve cash money for not titling this post Yakkety-yak.


great leap forward

pop culture grows out of the barrel of a gun?

25 January, 2007

Josh, with benefits

This month my insurance kicks in, so my medical priorities go like this: new contacts, a physical, then a dentist. Today I took care of the vision problem, having exhausted my last pair of 2-week lenses by wearing them since roughly mid-November. And since I am one of the insured, Herr Doktor gave me the expensive kind of lenses, which I shit you not feel like butter on my eyeballs. Or the optical equivalent [good band name!]. Vision is nice. Nice & smooth. And... less noisy? Hopefully next week a doctor can squeeze me in, and tell me what this strange little lump in my side is. Oh, and blood sugar and those other things people always see a doctor for. Yay for insurance!

23 January, 2007

scenes from a bkstore #617

Today, underwear proprietorship was under discussion, sparked by BTTF's "Calvin Klein" scenario. Coworker 23 reminisced of the era when mothers wote your name in your underpants thusly:

[To self] "What day is it?"
[checks own underwear] "Monday, but I'm not Evan."

Whence did I laugh & laugh.

20 January, 2007


- and then it rains and all this snow melts, and the roads are safe to drive again. I'm on the last day of a 3-day weekend, which I've spent in a maté-fueled cleaning/tidying frenzy. Braden & I just finished packing up a load to take to the dump, basically every piece of crap detritus that has built up here for the last year, and a good amount of stuff my mom left behind. Freeing - I'm feeling lighter already.

Tonight there may be a mass-viewing of Pan's Labyrinth, and any & all interested should call.

10 January, 2007

snow days

01 January, 2007

hello, 2007 - whatcha knowin'?

Quiet holidays, this year. Especially New Year's, which it seemed most people skipped altogether - are we finally going back to reckoning the year's start at the equinox, or what? Well, better be, and I expect some raucous fracas in the spring goddammit. Last night H & I spent our nicely subdued evening with her friend & doppelganger Caitlin, eating spicy Indian food, watching nuanced quasi-independant films (Little Miss Sunshine & Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind). At midnight the fireworks went off outside, silent blips on a radar no one was really paying attention to.

Which is to contrast rather sharply with Christmas, which was for us spread across 4 households. And what a bounty! It's been what, a week, and already I can't imagine life without my iPod. Such a class traitor, I am. Music is everywhere though, and that's a beautiful thing.

The best event to come out of the last few blogless weeks has unquestionably been Casey finally proposing to my Mom, and her (naturally) saying "yes." That man, the same responsible for our electrified living room decor, can make a hell of a plan, let me tell you. He had it all planned out for weeks, and included Braden & Anna & Hava & I in the shenanigans: we all went to the rotating Space Needle restaurant, us 4 sitting out of sight from him & my mom, and our job was to tape up these 4 or 5 signs so that they would go by everybody, eventually arriving at their table, which said all kinds of nice things abouy my mom and eventually "Robin / will you / marry me." Hehehehe. Maw! They haven't set a date, but she wants to get married someplace tropical. And no doubt they will.

So, 2007. Holy crap, this year wasn't supposed to exist yet. Before you know it, it'll be late December, 2012. And what then? "Years of escalating novelty" indeed. I'm gonna try to blog more and read the internet less. Yeah, that's a good resolution, why not. And everybody should revel more and try to be happy and for the love of god, keep things in perspective. And that's all I have to say about that. Happy 2007!