26 September, 2006

there is a rusty light on the pines tonight

Hav & I spent this weekend near Olympia, celebrating our 2-yr in a cozy little cabin by steamboat island. Very fun, very relaxing - private beach, hot tub, beautiful view, and navigating nearby/alien Olympia was a welcome adventure. Plus, cable tv!

I couldn't have had a better time. Plus this thursday, H is taking me to the Seattle Symphony to see Ratchmanikoff's 3rd piano concerto as a present. And I'm shaking. With crack shivers. As I was telling her, the eggregiously nicknamed Rach3 is one of my most-coveted viewing experiences. So yeah, life is good.

exercises in portraiture: "breakfast"

19 September, 2006

clean dirt in my lungs and moss on my back

Quiet days around the house. Alice is staying with us for little over a week, friendly friendly dog. Have been curing boredom by stretching out, book & cup of tea at hand, yon dog at foot. Also, sitting at the computer for marathon music "previews." It is so Fall.

music: Joanna Newsom, Ys [which is giving me shivers]

15 September, 2006

norman mclaren - begone dull care

this is really beautiful.
07:47 - abstract animation.

13 September, 2006

will not reciprocate

11 September, 2006

and now, something actually japanese...

lots more here.

08 September, 2006

all-price books

If you laughed just now, you can come live on my island/compound - I don't care who you are. So yeah, got the job, although really it's "seasonal with the option to stay on past Xmas." I don't care, I'm fucking ecstatic about it. Weee! Apparently I start in October; I was hoping to get out of PizzaSlut before the Fair and its fiascos, but oh well. People tip better during the fair, as I keep telling myself.

Yesterday Braden & Jerry & I ceremoniously imbibed the eucharistic beer & anime, a combination from the olden days which barely occurs anymore, sadly. Plenty of fun.

Homework: don't get eaten by deep space energy-beings.

02 September, 2006

ripple by ripple

Well, I have an interview Wednesday at 0.5-priced Books, which sounds from all the people I (now) know who work there like just shy of a formality. Low wage, but full benefits, good hours, quarterly bonuses, uncannily kindred coworkers and, hello, tons & tons of books. Where can that go wrong? I need to not work in a grocery store, anyway. Yes, children. Yes.

Update: BAM! Bagged it. Yay!