29 June, 2006

dance time happy fun hour #1 to go!

My return to the valley has been auspicious: delivery is lucrative the past 2 days, and it's always nice when people are happy to see you after you've been gone a while. We're having another big bbq tomorrow from 3 to dawn, everyone should come. My mother has always had the philosophy that the doors to her house are always open, and I feel very comfortable with that idea.

Anyway, no work for me until monday, time to begin the secondary stages of the ikea nesting instinct: organization, streamlining the operation, and oh yes, huge bonfires of paper & corregated cardboard products. Recycling is for... people who want to drive to a recycling plant. (yes I feel really guilty.)

Update, 1309h: Hm, now I feel bad about wasting such a good post-title... nuts. Well here, so it's not a total waste:

Ahhh. That's better.

music: Alfred Schnittke, Requiem

26 June, 2006

public service announcement

Warning: DO NOT sign up for Vonage phone service if you plan to cancel it within one year because if you do, they will charge you a 39.99 disconnect fee. In fact, because they do not provide this information anywhere in writing when you sign up (yes, I'm sure) I would advocate a boycott.

I'm a bit pissed.

24 June, 2006

present day... present time (ha ha ha!)

This morning I found a dc++ hub devoted entirely to classical mp3s and sheet music, so for the past whatisit 4 hours or so I've been downloading the complete (out of print?) etudes of Moscheles, Hummel, and Kalkbrenner (who Chopin wanted to take lessons from), running off to the piano, and running back to the computer to see if the Godowski has downloaded yet. Holy crap. Talk about Xanadu; we're through the looking glass here, people.

Last night we had our first barbeque after being moved in completely. Me mither & yon Casey came over, as well as H's friend Megan & her bf Adam. It also marked the occasion of the first fire of the summer, the re-christening of the firepit. And what a fire it was. We have lots of wood to burn from tree(s) felled by that winter storm indeterminately early this year. Hava made an awesome cherry pie from cherries picked from our trees.

In other news, it's going to be ninety-one motherfucking degrees in Tacoma tomorrow. Time to find water and splash around all day long.

music: Bartok Striechquartetten


Yeah, this is the life. Work in progress, but what isn't?

23 June, 2006

dear everybody

2 things:

1. Barbeque tonight, tomorrow and the next day, open invitation, everyone should come. That's 3 BBQs, people. Stop on by for good times.

2. The following people are allowed to wear velour: nobody, ever.

Thank you for your time.

21 June, 2006

the sustained intelligence of a sunrise

Happy the Solstice! Celebrate as necessary.

20 June, 2006

assemblage - pt. 27

Braden and I cleaned & organized the garage and the house today, finishing up in the nascent bookroom. There's a futon in there now, so you people who would like to visit can sleep there amidst our trove. The boxes are still omnipresent, a constant danger that overshadows all we do here. Nice weather though - definitely some partying needs to happen.

2 days ago we visited H's Dad in Seattle, which was awesome. It's nice to live so close to a big city again, reason number 1: Benaroya. I'm going to have to take some time and learn how to get around that crazy city, instigate many adventures.

Happiest moment so far today: re-discovering the books Erin gave me a couple years ago, including the history of Buddhist, Confucian & Taoist thought in China. Yay!

And now, there is much drinking to be done.

17 June, 2006

lightening the load, that the boat may travel more swiftly

One more load. We thought thursday would be the last, but monday is gonna have to do.

Meanwhile, the new digs are gradually taking shape; boxes everywhere, but the tide is ebbing. New semiloft bedroom partially painted. The shape things are to take involves much work, yet - our road is long, but deliriously happy and brightly peopled.

Barbeques are going to be frequent this summer, and everybody is always invited.

God, moving is a pain. It has its interesting side, though - the boxes upon boxes leftover from previous moves that I have to go through so I can move in new boxes upon boxes require from me an artifact triage, a confrontation and cleansing of my deeper psyche. What do I throw away? What do I keep? Are journals I kept from as long ago as ninth grade something I should go through later, or is their psychological value imagined? It is a nice surprise however to find an old external 28.8 fax modem, and just throw it the hell away. Jesus, Josh. What the hell?

Also, sweeping is my new favorite activity. Which is helpful because everything around here needs to be swept (and the plethora of spiders, swept to death). I'm going to have to invest in a newer, nicer broom after my first good night of tips back at the Pizza Slut (as early as Tuesday).

All in all, this is becoming nicely.

09 June, 2006

invisible now: no secrets to conceal

Last day at FM, woo! H's 'rents are coming up tomorrow to see her graduation, and we are exploiting them for their truck. Gotta get as much moved out as possible, we'll see how that works out. Yeah meanwhile I'm sick. Upward swing of a chest cold; missed most of my classes this week (Hamburger Day notwithstanding - that's the day classes are cancelled and we get free hamburgers on the grass... sound familiar? *cough* field day!).

Anyway, last day at FM. Woo! Packing, moving, sick, hamburgers. Oh, tired too. Finals next wednesday & thursday. Tacoma is tomorrow, new hq until then. Short sentences. Anything else?

I don't think so. No dice. 'Dis ain't ovah.

03 June, 2006

josh has a well-known drunk bias

Wow. So I guess I painted the internet a little red last night. Lots of booze with Hava & Sasha (well, mostly Sasha) makes Josh stay up till after sunrise. And, um, pee on the unlighted bushes in the neighbor's alley. Hoo hoo, mischief is always good. If I left you an offensive/incoherent comment on your blog, well... hey. Life's a bitch. When I get drunk and filled with love for everyone, why you gotta complain? Jeez.

This man, Tony, is Benjamin Fucking Horne.
That is all.

Update: 04 June, 2235h

music: TV on the Radio, Return To Cookie Mountain

adventure #4

down our picturesque alley
i tromp sans chaussure
those fucking dogs

sasha bathroom
hava bed
careful - sandals clack

daylight is breaking, slowly
who would call the cops

dear braden

i should have called
you earlier

what a night

was only the most
memorable part

why doesn't anybody
post poetry anymore?

i have to pee;
yard time.

too much?

i have pee'd
in too many yards
this evening

for shame

...or is it?