30 November, 2006

the trouble with triples

dude. i dropped by Borders today for optionmas ads & ordered a decaf soy mocha, and the aggressively imcompetent baristo fuck forgot the soy, and worst of all, he disregarded the decaf. what the fuck. i've felt tense in my ribcage for the last 5 hours, i've been bouncing off the walls, to say nothing of the stuttering. yeah i'm a little girlyman. but i'm a girlyman in a late-capitalist society, and when i order a decaf, i fucking want a decaf! goddam. shit.

dance to the radio

Finally got around to watching 24 Hour Party people last night - about the 80's Manchester music scene, highly recommended if you're into Joy Division and the like. Also a really well-made (pseudo-docu-drama?) glimpse into the music industry. Neat-o.

29 November, 2006

inclemenza de teat-o

Hazardous conditions! We closed HalfPrice 3 hours early last night due to "inclement weather," i.e. cold as a witches teat. There wasn't even any snow left over, just solid ice on every road. Weird year for weather. On the bright side we still have enough turkey & other fixins left over to hole in until, say, February.

Anyway, the domestication of the dog continues unabated. Not much else is new. Last night I found an LP of Shostakovich playing Shostakovich (preludes & fugues), and today it shall be mine. Oh yes, it shall be mine.

24 November, 2006


this looks like on of those pictures where you try and see how many things you can spot that are wrong. maybe logically, maybe morally.

22 November, 2006

somebody call the hague

So the crimes against music are already underway. Lunch yesterday was General Tso's chicken and the christmas onslaught of warm 106.9 -- tasty and disconcerting. Tomorrow we're having thanksgiving at our place, with Hav's family, my family, and a costco-sized case of Jubelale. Oh yes. And Braden & Anna are both back in town to boot! Ah, the food holidays have always been my favorite.

½Price gave me 2 weekends this week, last thursday & friday for my regular weekend then sunday & monday for displaced veteran's day & thanksgiving. Frankly it was a struggle to keep from going a bit spare. Anyway the job is still going well, though I think the honeymoon's over; they have me on buy training, which is so subjective and complex and implicitly important that the pressure takes the fun out of it. But whatever. It's still a good time, and way more interesting than pizza delivery.

In other news, Sam is trying to convince me to attend our 10-year high school reunion. It's gonna be like hostage negotiation, you have to offer me the right combination of things, like a flamethrower, a helicopter and ten million dollars. We'll see.

15 November, 2006

...more advent-ict-ures

These are from a birthday party of a coworker a couple nights ago, at Main Garden in Puyallup. Shitty bar, but good company. 3 beers on tap, including Bud & BudLite. Anyway despite feeling somewhat uncomfortable spending any more time than necessary in Puyallup, I had quite a good time. What the hell is that look on my face all about? I had 2 beers, man. 2 beers and a lungful of Cpt Bille's illicit moroccan streetbazaar. Whatever. flickr knows more.

Also, for the record, PunkRockGirl is leaving friday for Austin, with permanence. Lucky bastard. Too bad, she was cool.

PS ~ Alan Moore on teh Simpsons.

05 November, 2006

where my brain is at

Update! 061115: Hopefully nobody reads my backlogs. What a fucking weird party! I guess when you keep many small circles of friends, having them all meet at once is an onagain offagain good idea. The end of the party was maybe treacherous, but who cares. Success, adventures. Definitely, my best birthday party that ever happened. Strangely, my only regret is that more people didn't make it, but the level of crossmingling must be asymptotic at some point, I guess.

Anyway, I do wish the old ones could have been there.