25 November, 2009

riding the tryptophan train straight to napsville

The Burroughs one is, like, so 2 years ago. Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving!


12 November, 2009

great moments in women's history

We can sum up her entire life in twenty words. Watch:

“Stephenie Meyer grew up in the Southwest, got married, had kids, wrote some books about vampires and got rich. Batman.”

We threw “Batman” in there to make it more exciting.

[pic is a link to source]

08 November, 2009

Remember, remember the 7th of November

Above: the winner of this year's Strangest Party Detritus Award. It just raises further questions...

Anyway, 30th surprise birthday party, greatest ever. The love was palpable. I beat myself in effigy with a cricket bat, played the bass part of a Hungarian Rhapsody with Mike, was toasted (er, given toast?), found lots of amazing drawings by people hung all over the house, drank Mack & Jack's in my own home, um, the list goes on & on. Plus, Braden got me a sweet knife! Indeed, the swag was unbelievable, to say the least. Pictures forthcoming! (...and also here.)

05 November, 2009

strange parallel

28:24 of Elliott Smith! Via.