30 June, 2008

slices of life (everybody dance like Kevin Bacon)

The sun seems to be making up for lost time (boo to heatstroke), Jenny & Craig are getting settled in their new pad (let the mad science commence), work today after a week away was full of teh suck (24 boxes up in what, 4 hours, & 8 yet remain), gonna see Wynton tomorrow night (sweet zombie Jesus), bloggery continues to proliferate unabated (hello, almost everybody!), and Joshtown has great art in it (I win the internets!). The world is bulging at its seams: the exploding awesome is threatening to devastate the thin membrane containing all life (here we come, Universe B). Go 2008!

If we make it out alive we'll all be president. Or something.

26 June, 2008

in the conservatory, with the bludgeon

Yessir, Jenny made this piece of badassness for me. I am phosphorescent with delight.

18 June, 2008

...and, otherwise

Things are magnificent. This weather has finally perked up, summer has fully arrived, and the world seems to be in its most quicksilvery state. Lightning and motion. Everybody's blogging! This makes me so happy. There's a new Hrádek, and I can't wait to hear all the details.

Braden starts his job next week, and I'm really happy for him. Dane is going to be in town next month, holy shit! (*cough*, speaking of updating blogs... ahem!) Umm, we all caught a screening of Choke a couple weekends ago, good stuff. Father's Day weekend was great. Next week J & I are taking a (supernaturally well-timed) vay-cay, planning on jaunting up to the Vancouver Art Museum for Krazy!, hopefully without incident at the border. I'll have to bring only half a shipment with me this time. Alice is happy laying in the sun.

That's all I can think of for now. Really, I'll try to update more frequently. Good work to all who have been showing the internet what for, with your excellent bloggery skillz. We're making some headway - if we can collectively make 10,000 blog posts, I heard there's some archaic law that says we officially own the internet! Or maybe it was pwn. Either way, eh?


So yeah! Bloggery. I've been really lazy about it for the past... long time. There's many a thing afoot, as always. Novelty abounds.

Here's an example! Life being one long learning experience as it is, I've learned recently that dating someone you work with can be, oh, quite a complicated experience. Another thing I've learned is that, no matter how great a worker you are, or how polite & cheery you are to your coworkers, the pettiness in people works like Boyle's Law, expanding to fill whatever space it has available. I was called into the office monday and told that, despite our sincerest efforts to be subtle, there have been 5 complaints about the way Jenny & I conduct ourselves at work. What?! We hardly talk. Can any examples be given? Well, no. What are we supposed to do? To quote directly: "ignore each other." Yes, because god forbid somebody should feel awkward seeing us talking, because you know what, if you don't draw a line here, why, in five minutes we could be fucking right on the pricing table. In all seriousness, I'm trying to take this with a grain of salt. Really, since that talk I've spent every moment second-guessing my every move, feeling really awkward around Jenny, and in general feeling totally devalued as a worker (it'd be another thing if I didn't bust my ass every day). I hope it's worth it to those that complained, that their supposed comfort has been bought by my stifling and constant anxiety. Ah, office politics. I'm sure it would also be a different issue if we had the same level of power in our jobs. But we don't, and if there's one thing people's irrational minds latch onto it's power structures, and no doubt this is all just territorial instinct gone horribly awry.

So that's one thing that's new. Heh - there's more stuff, but I think I'm going to just keep this in a post by itself. Feels better that way. All is love, my friends.

13 June, 2008

but there isn't any tomorrow...


Braden is a Bond villain. He expects you to die!

06 June, 2008

mom & the simulacra

...yet another example of Braden & I having left the house together not realizing we're wearing almost the exact same clothes. On mother's day.