26 December, 2006


pretty much sums it up.

21 December, 2006

tensors, fluxuors and other metastatical anomalies

No news. Busy purchasing. Work continues, as does leisure, unabatedly normal. Anticipating postholiday adventure. Yes, yes. Maybe a little bored with holiday tension. Anyway, novelty in short supply. Anybody?

Update: did I say nothing is new? Well I'm an idiot. Braden & Anna are in town (YAY!), there's anticipations of big events for my mom & her manfriend (don't want to give too much away just yet), and people with new children are getting miracles. And that's hardly nothing. More later.

16 December, 2006

this just in

hello everybody. i just got some great news: in 2007, st. patrick's day will be on a saturday. night. and i just wanted to give it a little shall we say, breathing room, with the purpose of stoking anticipation. ok. go!

15 December, 2006

shades of beer

09 December, 2006

full stop.

sick. tried not to be. failed. work miffed, don't care. now, nothing for it but bed. bluh.

07 December, 2006

ars comica

I accepted long ago that I have an unusual sense of humor - I find roughly 98% of the manifested universe just hilarious - and that if I say something I think is funny there's about a 25-30% chance that other people will laugh. But every once in a while, words escape my face which I guess catch people offguard, usually things I find only marginally funny but for some reason strike some kind of humor master chord in folks. This has always happened to me. I accept it.

Tuesday I walked into work with coffee, at which point a coworker queried, "Where's mine?" I replied, "Erm, I left it at Starbucks." [pause...] "Oh man, and I paid for it, too. I feel so stupid."

This may not be an accurate transcription, because I didn't think it was that funny. But 3 people present laughed for a while, then actually complimented me on the "comeback," unheard of numbers for my performances. My theory is that every once in a while, I randomly hit on just the right timing, or cadence, or tone of voice or whetever it is that makes things funny that you can't reduce to a mathematical formula. And I can live with that.

03 December, 2006

but i haven't got a stitch to wear

the world is a gigantic place.

01 December, 2006

el laberinto del fauno

How can this movie fail to be supremely awesome?! Looks like the love-child of Brazil & Naked Lunch. Already I want the soundtrack.