27 January, 2008

PriceBrew: the Legacy

That's my Dad putting together a portion of the elaborate setup he made, mostly from scratch, for the purpose of brewing the delicious beer that is the heritage of the Price clan. Yum! (pic is a link to flickr set)

25 January, 2008

the society of spectacles

...although they make me dizzy if I move my head. keeping the contacts then?

footprints & the foot carrying the head [the process]

from Ezra Pound's translation of the Great Digest of Confucius:

"The Great Learning [adult study, grinding the corn in the head's mortar to fit it for use] takes root in clarifying the way wherein the intelligence increases through the process of looking straight into one's own heart and acting on the results; it is rooted in watching with affection the way people grow; it is rooted in coming to rest, being at ease in perfect equity."

19 January, 2008

of awakenings in dark woods

So, big news, Hava & I are going to take a break. We'll still be friends, I don't think we could not be. It's all in the interest of growth. It's surprising what you find inside, sometimes. And I have some lenses to grind.

04 January, 2008


I guess New Years was the time to get sick. Maybe it's good it hit on my day off, though I can't help but feel a bit cheated...

03 January, 2008


new years was spectacular. as soon as I get ahold of some photos I'll try and make a post about it. still reeling from the goodness. weeeeeeeeeeeee!