28 September, 2007

through the trees

So. Autumn, huh? The changing of the world's colorfulness.

Dane has come and gone, another ten days gone by too quickly. Much fun was had, and as soon as he gets me pictures I'll post more. Some bloody awesome ones, too.

I can't think of much else to post. Work seems extra fun lately, though. That's always good.

13 September, 2007

heart heart animal collective heart heart heart

video: "Peacebone" from their Strawberry Jam LP

04 September, 2007

dna destiny

I learned the other day that my grandmother's uncle, one Menno Hoffmann, had a house in the Burbank hills where he slept outside, year-round, on a bed he placed under a canopy. Apparently eccentricity is rampant in the males of my family, a fact supported by "Crazy" Uncle Eddie and my mad scientist father (and to an arguable extent, myself). It's like that episode of the simpsons where Lisa finds out she's immune to the Simpsons stupid gene, only in reverse, and for crazy.