30 April, 2007

taking back the media (sort of?)

Yesterday I hit the 666 album mark in my RIAA-safe mp3 folder. Yay! Let's celebrate.

26 April, 2007

not to dance on any graves, but...

Dude, read the article -- secret chief of the Illuminati, this guy.

Will be remembered primarily for that episode of Freakazoid he wasn't really on.

supreme destiny of technology

in my opinion, this is the real reason the internets was invented.
yes, i know everybody has seen it already. i don't care.

17 April, 2007

getting to know my face again

done with beard. (the scar resurfaces!)

13 April, 2007

give me protein -- ouch

Doctor appointment this morning. They wanted me to fast from 10pm last night. Since it's hunger pains that usually wake me up, I'm not quite gladly anticipating the next 3-6 hours.

Really enjoying the new car, though. It's like somebody stole it from the toyota museum -- for being from 1992, the condition is impeccable. And only 117k on it. Plus just having personal conveyance again takes a great weight off. And I like that it's the color of the sky.

Update, 9.13am: ouch ouch ouch. ouch.

10 April, 2007

drawn apart

nympharum membra disjecta

Three spirits came to me
And drew me apart
To where olive boughs
Lay stripped upon the ground:
Pale carnage beneath bright mist.

--Ezra Pound

[yep, that's the new auto]

08 April, 2007

on the wings of a dream

stood in a field in the rain. smoked vegas cigars. drank till vision blurred, then came back to normal. waking up at 7 tomorrow (today?). thirsty, still.

current music: DragonForce

06 April, 2007

all in all, a successful trip

One pants, one underpants, one sunglasses, and one car. It's like John Lee Hooker meets Red Dwarf. Now you funny, too.

02 April, 2007

the atheist's nightmare! ah!

Y'all're welcome! Sorry about the lack of actual content here lately. My psyche is themainly gravitating around the search for vehicles and emotional preparation for this thursday's arrival of grandparents, who'll be staying here for a week. Or maybe a hotel after a day, we'll see. Unusual stresses.

Weather's different. Cherry trees are beautiful.