22 March, 2007

the best reason to crucify Oprah now

Twenty times a day for the last month middle-aged women have called HPB to ask if we have this book:

Pretty innocuous looking, eh? I just read this review in the Voice -- it's the most despicable thing I've ever heard of. And the quote from the Chickensoup fucker doesn't help:

"Since I learned the Secret and started applying it to my life, my life has truly become magical. I live in a four-and-a-half million dollar mansion, I have a wife to die for, I get to vacation in all the fabulous spots of the world."

The worst part is the creeping dread that in six months the used books market will be absolutely flooded with this. Be warned. If it hasn't already, it will infect your mom, too.

Only cthulhu can save us now.

21 March, 2007

please to bend down

Equinox, y'all.

Yesterday at work we chose character classes, for the entire store, for nearly 3 hours. I love my job. We have a necromancer, a viking warrior, and a moogle, among other things. I'm a monk: proficiency in bare hands & an intricate backstory that you only begin to discover after WEEKS of gameplay. And now I must go, for it is time to meditate on my techniques.

11 March, 2007

adventures in bleeeeghhh

The Sick hit me hard today, after several days semisuccessful warding, such that I called in to work. I'm sipping some strangetasting kombucha, my usual sicktimes tonic. Mmm, probiotics. Just swallowed an unusally large culture strand, but I guess that's normal? Anyway, it's been a shitty week for my faith in the human race -- due entirely to dealings with private auto sellers, which I don't want to discuss right now. Needless to say, I blame my falling ill on their insidiousness.

On the bright side this weekend has been quite good; Braden came down because Anna flew in, yay, and we all went out for semidelicious sushi last night. I was sick, who knows if it actually tasted good. It had great texture, lemmetellya. Also, our livingroom is newly painted & rearranged passencore, no longer a festively-colored island cabana, but rather a nice, cozy "livingroom" aesthetic.

Ok. Horizontals time again.

08 March, 2007

da army guys

I hope y'all can read this. It's from this, maybe the funniest thing ever. Yes, it's serious.

02 March, 2007


The quest for a new & working auto continues. My Dad is currently tinkering with an older Bronco he had laying around (which belonged to my crazy incarcerated step-uncle Larry), but the longer that takes, the worse the chances look. Meanwhile I've been driving around H's car, which will soon reap the harvest of innards from the carcass of my lovely but dead ex-conveyance.

And spring is coming. Ah, March. Garden season.