30 November, 2005

because I'll forget it later

"A man who chooses the path of freedom from restraint, i.e. of self-indulgence, will be a bound slave of passions, whilst the man who binds himself to rules and restraints releases himself."
~MK Gandhi


we have the best documented bay view in history, over here. Also, I'm thinking about blogcasting the Optionmas mix. After this paper's done, though. And tomorrow's presentation, and over-arching portfolio. Since when was fake school so hard?

musick: Mahler's 6th. study music!

29 November, 2005

the treason of the season

Optionmas: it's an aphoristic holiday.

-Optionmas is not just what other people call Christmas. Christmas is an event, and Optionmas is a process, which happens to exactly coincide with the shopping season (if you want it to), being the day after Thanksgiving through the first week of January.

-It's not that Optionmas takes the Christ out of Christmas, it's more like Christmas puts the Christ in Optionmas. Optionmas is a superposition of any revelry & merrymaking you may want to undertake, and thus is a Quantum holiday.

-Christmas has become an empty, rote holiday; the idea is to do something genuine. Optionmas started out as a resistance against Christmas music & advertising (borne of a retail job), and therefore re-canonized the traditional music (only one complete Optionmas mix exists, so far); as for advertising, Optionmas tends to fight it by steeping in it, literally hanging lots of awesome ads from magazines on the walls as decoration, thereby bringing what is intended to be unconsciously active into the light of consciosuness.

-Ever get someone a gift that isn't nearly as nice as the one they got you? Too bad, with Christmas, the singularity holiday, you are stuck with feeling inadequate. But since Optionmas is process-oriented, you could give gifts retroactively, after the fact, balancing out karma for everyone.

-It's whatever you want it to be, but it's fundamentally a matrix of revelry. Invent your own traditions, at least one more every year. Make up some way to mark the exact moment in time, and celebrate the fuck out of it because it's never coming back again.

Additions? Amendments? Comments? It is still becoming.

music: Esquivel, Space-Age Bachelor Pad

28 November, 2005

chance of rain or snow tonight

My Religion prof had to cut class a week short for a surgery, so today we watched "What the $#!+ Do We Know" pausing for discussion... it was kinda sad; she seemed on the verge of tears the whole time. Last class she did actually cry, when she mentioned how she gets so attached to classes as groups. Maw. sigh.

music: Kate Bush, Aerial.

26 November, 2005

Happy Holydays

Hope everyone had a happy Blanketsgiving! Hope everybody's was the glorious blur of birds, potatoes, seasonal wines & ales, sundry experiments-turned-traditions and people you just don't see enough, which for me have come to characterize the holiday. No sir, it's one of the (few) holidays I see no need to revamp, reinvent, or destroy. Speaking of which, Optionmas post forthcoming.

music: Legendary Pink Dots, Crushed Velvet Apocalypse

23 November, 2005

a little anxious, if you know what I mean.

some fuzzy canadian channel is playing carrot top's 1998 "movie" Chairman of the Board (remember? the cover had him surfing down a boardroom table? yeah!)... i didn't want to pay attention, but a familiar voice broke through my defenses against my will -- as it happens, Otho has a shameful, shameful cameo. oh... my.

music: blood trickling out of my ears.

21 November, 2005

the unfolding future (winter of our discount tent?)


MWF 9:30-11:20 -- Conceptual Phsyics
MWF 11:30-12:55 -- Communication Theory
M-Th 2:45-3:50 -- General Psychology

Looks like not as fun as this quarter, but hey, at least these'll transfer with no problems. Oi.

music: Glenn Gould plays the Partitas

free book, anyone?

does anyone want Tuesdays With Morrie when I'm done with it? because i'm thinking of just setting it on fire. another half an hour more of writing this stupid paper on it. make your claims fast. matches are ready.

update: 1453h all i have to do for my paper to be finished is read it. and i can't. it's like taking a dump and trying to deduce what you ate. bleh.

20 November, 2005


The Lucifer Project.

"This is a documentation and study of the feasibility of creating a sustainable fusion reaction from an initial fission reaction on Saturn caused by a significant quantity of Plutonium-238 being inserted deep into the atmosphere. A fusion-ignited Saturn-sun would be the key to creating a human-habitable area on Titan. Turning one of our gas giants, like Saturn, into a star is the essence of The Lucifer Project."

musik: Sigur Ros, Takk
and struggling through Tuesdays With Morrie for a class project. shudder.

19 November, 2005

weird + awesome art from Switzerland

from here.

song: Coil, MU-UR

behold my dark power

Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla

Really? Hm. Intriguing.

music: Coil, Musick to Play in the Dark [another top 10 headphones album]

16 November, 2005

we burn the fat off our souls (beta 0.01)

Monday night H&I saw Jarhead; very recommended, made me oh so glad I didn't join the Marines. Not that I thought I could make it, I'm just not adaptable 100% of the time. Although a great deal of the movie is about exactly that - Jake Gyllenhaal (a.k.a to Hava, Professor Beefcake, DDS) is pissed off that he joined, actually he has some anger issues. I had another, much longer, and heavier write-up of the movie, but it's the kind that I don't know if it'll ever really be finished, so maybe you'll see an "update" here at some point. Dunno. Anyway, visually amazing, emotionally engaging. Best Gulf-war movie ever made. I give it 328 tentacles (face-ticles?) of the Great Cthulhu in all.

PS. See today's Lynchcast. I was gonna write up the Lynch thing too, but that'll have to wait until I finish my draft I'm working on for 2 classes, both of which will give me credit. HAHA! Woo. Ahhh.

myusick: GY!BE, Yanqui u.x.o

12 November, 2005

gooooooood tiiiiiimes

music: Sufjan, Illinoise

11 November, 2005

latenight wanderings

Truly, a glorious site.

music: Kate Bush, Hounds of Love
[Ooh, their breath is warm
And they smell like sleep,
And they say they take me home.
Like poppies heavy with seed
They take me deeper and deeper.]

07 November, 2005

it's true: a birthday is a doodly do

the lynch webcast, 7 Nov, 7:30pm PST.

[doodly do, a ding dong doodly, doodly do]

04 November, 2005

the greatest birthday song

I'm singing. And driving. Tacomawards.

feeling: "the only people for me are the mad ones..."

01 November, 2005

dia de los muertos

music: Fantômas, Delirium Corda