29 January, 2006

negative, I am a meat popsicle

Injury is the perpetual state of humanity. It's not a terrible thing, and certainly this is just one way of seeing things; but the second law of thermodynamics will have its way, regardless of our saying so. My current injury is fascinating; getting used to using my left hand for everything, not constantly fiddling with my fingers, not to mention the just plain weirdness of having watched myself operated on, gives me the deep impression of being a pile of meat loosely structured around a skeletal system, some unexplainable network of sentience near the top providing a running commentary every second. Feel like I've been at Chöd for years.

Anyway, typical foggy/rainy sunday afternoon on the Bay over here, and I should probably be doing homework. Meh.

music: Bill Evans, Sunday at the Village Vanguard


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