20 November, 2005


The Lucifer Project.

"This is a documentation and study of the feasibility of creating a sustainable fusion reaction from an initial fission reaction on Saturn caused by a significant quantity of Plutonium-238 being inserted deep into the atmosphere. A fusion-ignited Saturn-sun would be the key to creating a human-habitable area on Titan. Turning one of our gas giants, like Saturn, into a star is the essence of The Lucifer Project."

musik: Sigur Ros, Takk
and struggling through Tuesdays With Morrie for a class project. shudder.


Blogger Duncan Idaho said...

Sounds like that episode of Star Trek where that one guy (David Ogden Stiers, "Charles" from M*A*S*H*) tries to invent a steller rejuvinator and it turns out he can't continue with his work because he's 60 and he must go back to his home planet and commit suicide and Horse-In-A-Dress (that's her Cherokee name) throws a fit...remember that episode!??

Dane does, I know.

Anyway, I'll keep a skeptical lookout for our new sun. But I highly doubt mankind's pitiful ability to affect anything beyond our own little complacent corner of the solar system. Especially with the small amount of plutonium that Cassini holds. My favourite part of the article is that there might be some elements of NASA that actually want this fusion reaction to happen. Sounds like CONSPIRACY!!

No, officer, I will NOT remove my foil hat, I can drive JUST FINE.


21/11/05 12:28 AM  
Blogger DD said...

Ya, I do, and I am proud of it! I chime in on the side of "Utter Horse Shit" on this one. A: Not the amount of plutonium on Cassini. B: probably not the amount of plutonium on EARTH. And that line about "Man becoming God" sounds like pathetic Christain reactionism to "science". I don't think this is possible personaly, and if it is backing a dump truck full of heavy metals into a ball of gas does not make you God.

21/11/05 4:11 AM  
Blogger Duncan Idaho said...

It may not make you god, but at least you'd still have that interplanetary dump truck. Pimp that thing out, put a spoiler on it, it'd be freakin' cool. And more Pu-237 than Doc Brown could shake a stick at.

21/11/05 3:04 PM  
Blogger josh p said...

Hahahahahahaha... yeah, I thought the idea was a little sci-fi, but that's why I liked it. Maybe this december we'll all have to have a TNG marathon. MWA HA HA HA!!!!!!!

21/11/05 3:25 PM  

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