14 September, 2008

rock the bells

The night before we went to Rock the Bells I had a ridiculous dream: Ryan, Jenny & I were down by the stage during the headline show, and between songs the performers bantered with the audience, "Hello! Are there any white people here tonight?" And we 3 raised our hands and looked around, slowly realizing everybody else was black. Don't know why but I wish my dream had come true. There were maybe 10 black folk, total. *sigh*

Oh, Payton. You rascal.

The whole show was bleedin' awesome. I mean uh, fuckin tight. Highlights included Supernatural's hilarious freestyling (which my uncultured ass had never seen before, heh), Sage Francis being really angry & earnest (also mixing his own set, which I guess rarely happens?), Tribe being Tribe, and most definitely, Mos Def.

So the lesson I learned was that hip-hop is not about black culture, indeed has nothing whatsoever to do with race. It's about being poor. Wait, no. It's about political strife. Er, wait - it's about getting high. Well... okay, so it must be about the music.



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