17 September, 2008

get in solid walls with the know-it-alls

I drove up to Redmond yesterday with a couple coworkers to help out the HalfPrice remodel there, big fun. (Not really! The drive was awful. But I was "volunteered" into it, so not much I could do. Oh well. At least I got some gas cash reimbursement out of the deal.) I'm very greatly looking forward to this vacation next week. (Yes, I'm still feeling resentful about employment as a concept, and maybe my brain is letting that come to a head (ha!) because vacation is impending - stupid brain.) The last month's worth of weekends has been full of some of the funnest things I've done all year, and this weekend I'm looking forward to just chilling out, around town. (Maybe we'll see autumn creeping in, seems like you can tell it's coming pretty reliably when the clouds get really interesting, and yesterday driving south on the 5 they looked like wispy glowing spaceships. Very beautiful.)

ps, everybody blog! the blogosphere is sad because it's hungry.


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