17 June, 2006

lightening the load, that the boat may travel more swiftly

One more load. We thought thursday would be the last, but monday is gonna have to do.

Meanwhile, the new digs are gradually taking shape; boxes everywhere, but the tide is ebbing. New semiloft bedroom partially painted. The shape things are to take involves much work, yet - our road is long, but deliriously happy and brightly peopled.

Barbeques are going to be frequent this summer, and everybody is always invited.

God, moving is a pain. It has its interesting side, though - the boxes upon boxes leftover from previous moves that I have to go through so I can move in new boxes upon boxes require from me an artifact triage, a confrontation and cleansing of my deeper psyche. What do I throw away? What do I keep? Are journals I kept from as long ago as ninth grade something I should go through later, or is their psychological value imagined? It is a nice surprise however to find an old external 28.8 fax modem, and just throw it the hell away. Jesus, Josh. What the hell?

Also, sweeping is my new favorite activity. Which is helpful because everything around here needs to be swept (and the plethora of spiders, swept to death). I'm going to have to invest in a newer, nicer broom after my first good night of tips back at the Pizza Slut (as early as Tuesday).

All in all, this is becoming nicely.


Blogger DD said...

Personally, I would have drilled a hole through the modem and worn it as a little 28.8k Bling. Glad the moving is going ok, WHERE are you moving to again? I'm a little out of the loop. The house in T-town? And... Brooming spiders... good memories. Remember the summer of 2003 or as I like to think of it, the "Summer of a Thousand Spiders." And the pet spider we had on your piano, in a jar, that we fed bugs. Did we name him?

17/6/06 7:25 PM  
Blogger josh p said...

Yup, T-town house. Living in my mom's old room, she moved in with Casey a whiel ago. Sorry, I've been almost totally off the grid for weeks now. I hate being incommunicado.

YES I remember those spiders! Circus of the damned! There WAS a name, but I don't remember it... probably something like Baal King of Murder, or else Sparky.

18/6/06 5:57 PM  

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