30 January, 2005

the reflected sound of everything

Nothing really is new... I've been doing homework all weekend, with a short break to watch "Like Water for Chocolate." Chick flick, but not so bad. It's funny, I find myself wishing I had more time to read, and instead I have to do waaaaaaaay more reading than I do. One of my classes is a mythology class (an english credit), and the text, "World Mythology," contains condensations of those very beautiful ancient epics I'm always wishing I was reading (Ramayana, Iliad, Beowulf, etc). Hava was reading the Aeneid for a class last quarter, and it was just one of the most beautiful things I have ever read - now I have to read a condensed version, and it makes my soul hurt. Ah well; it's okay really, after "class" *cough* I do get plenty of practice room time in, and that makes all the difference... though I have yet to gain access to any of the 10 or so Steinway grands I count. Time to plot....

B&H in an upper floor room of the WWU library.


Blogger FM Hradek said...

10 Steinways! *sob* I can't remember the last time I saw one of those beautiful creatures.

31/1/05 10:35 AM  

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