13 January, 2005

begin the beguine

So, it's really fuckin' cold here. The snow from last weekend is about halfway melted, and looks suspicious - like it's bargaining for another week, just one more damned day in its sad, cold existence. I like it, though. It's going to take a long time to get used to, especially with my legendary weakness to cold... it's a nice change, anyhow. From "pretty cold" winters to "Jesus Christ, are you joking? That's not winter, I'll show you winter, buddy" winters.

Talked to the local Pizza Hut people today about transferring, so employment is (finally) going to be taken care of. Apparently they're desperate for drivers, which has Braden contemplating transferring, too. It looks really nice there; like people are competent, even good at their jobs, which either means they like it there, or else (I'm quite afraid) they're gluttons for punishment, and therefore emotionally malformed sewer-people with no interpersonal skills who like making other people's lives as hellish as they can. Only time will tell.

More later. Schoolwork calls. Let me know if you're out there!

Current Music: The Life Aquatic [OST]


Blogger BeckoningChasm said...

It's not very cold (at the moment) where I am, so my sympathies are a bit synthetic. But I do like your writing style.

13/1/05 3:33 PM  

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