21 July, 2007

hello, neighbor

of course fox news thinks Fred Rogers is evil - by ingraining kids with the idea that they are special just for being who they are, giving the gift of implicit self-worth in the face of overwhelming pressure to conform, he empowered the little, laying the foundation for fluid distribution of power [in utter opposition to power structures of permanence favored by fascisms]. he's the most subversive agent of [the good kind of] anarchy for this generation of our nation's young, the closest thing to a saint in an anti-centralist canon. fight on, Fred, one day we'll all be neighbors.


Blogger FM Hradek said...

That is a very interesting assertion by Fox. Kind of threw me off guard. In an era when a vast majority of parents are selfish and unwilling to give children the attention and opportunities that they deserve, one would think that someone like Mr. Rogers was a good thing. I am not sure I would go as far as to call him a subversive agent of anarchy, but I agree that his show (encouraging imagination and overall good) was a plus rather than a minus.

Really, it is not an issue of conformity that we struggle with. It is an issue of apathy and distraction. In my humble opinion, the most politically motivated are those that are most affected by the status quo. It is unfortunate because this sort of disinterest in our political process has led to a endless cycle of political stagnation and trickery.

It is quite easy to fall into the quandary of political and ideological allegiances which are far too unspecific leaving many important social, economic, etc. issues unanswered. Keep in mind that the extreme in fascism is equally balanced with similar extremes in anti-fascists. Our current distaste of current events must not be allowed to herald an era of equally destructive opposites. Some choose to be led by the sword and some by the pen. Why can we not find a middle ground?

Anyway, sorry about the long response. I never watch Fox but this went a little far. They should be ashamed of themselves. Not that the liberal media is any better in their pursuit of the nanny state. However, there are plenty of other news agencies we can watch which are more sensible. Sadly, however, less and less of them are operating within the Western World.

25/7/07 6:30 PM  
Blogger josh p said...

Glad you agree that Fox News is a bunch of dummards. It's an interesting point you make about the culpability of the politically unmotivated, and I think I agree insofar as the unmotivated are also the alienated. Politics in our country is a game played by the wealthy, in the interest of the wealthy, and the major issues right now e.g. war, immigration, china, etc have little implicit import to those whose dollars can/will only go towards the new Harry Potter book.

I agree, apathy is not the answer - but I'm not proposing Sid Vicious-style anarchy, I meant more towards anarcho-syndicalism or hell any other possibility that moves away from the end of the spectrum where you find the 2 biggest dangers to individual agency: absolute power and absolute homogeneity. Earth can have its feudal Japans as long as it keeps its idyllic Samoas. Cities on hills.

And as for the long response, thank you! I wish I got more long responses, hehe.

26/7/07 9:08 AM  

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