11 March, 2007

adventures in bleeeeghhh

The Sick hit me hard today, after several days semisuccessful warding, such that I called in to work. I'm sipping some strangetasting kombucha, my usual sicktimes tonic. Mmm, probiotics. Just swallowed an unusally large culture strand, but I guess that's normal? Anyway, it's been a shitty week for my faith in the human race -- due entirely to dealings with private auto sellers, which I don't want to discuss right now. Needless to say, I blame my falling ill on their insidiousness.

On the bright side this weekend has been quite good; Braden came down because Anna flew in, yay, and we all went out for semidelicious sushi last night. I was sick, who knows if it actually tasted good. It had great texture, lemmetellya. Also, our livingroom is newly painted & rearranged passencore, no longer a festively-colored island cabana, but rather a nice, cozy "livingroom" aesthetic.

Ok. Horizontals time again.


Blogger DD said...

Sounds like you need a mini sub full of tiny soldiers injected into your body with only an hour to escape but they can't get out through a tear because you don't cry...

As for humanity... Leave that to ME!

12/3/07 6:26 AM  

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