21 July, 2005

c'est arrive hereabouts

blur of sunlit color
passed on the right by time -
we have become our travelling.

Okay, it's not a haiku by form, just pretend it's a translation. Anyway we got back to B'ham from Tacoma this morning at 1030, safe and sound. What a trip. Very soon I'll make a flickr gallery of the best of the pics, and maybe a longer post about the trip itself.

Highlights: San Diego Zoo with the grandparents (which made me rethink the value of a liberal arts education... more later); Korean Class party in Monterey (something about Neil Armstrong and little boys); party at a Buddhist Temple (even though I didn't fulfill my lifelong dream of getting blitzed at one); generally, beautiful scenery throughout the entire trip; swimming 3 times in 4 days; meeting Dane's whoa-man; and tons of other little things that keep popping to mind and making me smile inanely.

current music: Dire Straits shuffle


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