18 June, 2008

...and, otherwise

Things are magnificent. This weather has finally perked up, summer has fully arrived, and the world seems to be in its most quicksilvery state. Lightning and motion. Everybody's blogging! This makes me so happy. There's a new Hrádek, and I can't wait to hear all the details.

Braden starts his job next week, and I'm really happy for him. Dane is going to be in town next month, holy shit! (*cough*, speaking of updating blogs... ahem!) Umm, we all caught a screening of Choke a couple weekends ago, good stuff. Father's Day weekend was great. Next week J & I are taking a (supernaturally well-timed) vay-cay, planning on jaunting up to the Vancouver Art Museum for Krazy!, hopefully without incident at the border. I'll have to bring only half a shipment with me this time. Alice is happy laying in the sun.

That's all I can think of for now. Really, I'll try to update more frequently. Good work to all who have been showing the internet what for, with your excellent bloggery skillz. We're making some headway - if we can collectively make 10,000 blog posts, I heard there's some archaic law that says we officially own the internet! Or maybe it was pwn. Either way, eh?


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