13 February, 2005

anno furnituri novae

We have a couch! And a comfy chair. My Mom & her manfriend drove them up saturday. Not the prettiest things, but as is usually the case for 70s furniture, they're incredibly comfy.

I never really realized how important a couch is. You could be living in a cardboard box behind an abandoned battery factory somewhere, but if you have a couch there, it's your box. Maybe it's that the couch is where you sit comfortably as an entertainment receptacle, as well as where your guests can sit and drink and talk and ultimately sleep if they need to. Anyway, our island feels more like an oasis now, less like a fueling station between work & classes.

School is going okay; the hardest thing for me (every time I go back) is getting back into the habit of homework, a.k.a doing insignificant tasks for other people that I'm supposed to appreciate for their learning value. Sometimes it's easy, like in my Astronomy class, where I'm assigned to check out the APOD every day, and always find out interesting stuff about the universe. But Business class is almost all against-the-grain stuff for me. Feh, I'm getting by.

So... the other day, H and I are at my place watching a movie around lunchtime when Braden comes home carrying this box, and has this big proud grin on, and he says, "my boxes are here." He only had the one box in his hand, so I ask where the rest are, to which he replies, "in the box." Okay. A little confused. But he just smiles bigger and goes over to the table and opens up the box...

...and explains: the US Postal Service apparently has this deal where you can get up to 24 flat rate shipping boxes for free. It's actually kind of a cool deal. So we all had a good laugh about that.

Current Music: Ravi Shankar, Master of the Sitar


Blogger BeckoningChasm said...

In that last picture, it looks as if someone found someone else's lack of faith disturbing....

25/2/05 12:10 PM  

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