16 February, 2006

the spreading sadistic grin of recognition

An interesting thing has been happening in Physics class lately. We're studying thermodynamics and energy, so somehow the teacher leads that into sources of energy, and our actual energy usage, and the chemistry and economics of it all. He's slowly building this picture for the slow among us, those who may still need our decaf at 10am, using charts and graphs, explaining meticulouly things like exponential functions, and even going into chemical equations to mount a case for the idea that with depleting oil supplies, overpopulation, and massive suburban sprawl we are all, in fact, utterly fucked. And I think that's awesome. Especially how he's taking his time on each and every aspect - you can tell how badly he wants every freshman idiot to fully comprehend our impending doom. Weeeeeeeeee!


Blogger FM Hradek said...

Ah, the beauty of "Peak Oil". Interesting stuff. There's quite a few websites out there about it.

17/2/06 8:52 AM  

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