09 February, 2007

flit & dart

Long and fulfilling day yesterday - I took Hava to Seattle for a Valentine's Day pre-surprise (we both work wednesday) at the Science Center, where they have an exhibit that is a giant humid room of tropical vegetation & butterflies, which fly all around you and sometimes land on your shirt. Which can be surprisingly terrifying when they're the size of a sparrow. I also got in some much needed clothing shopping around the U-district, and H's parents got us tickets to last night's Symphony for Christmas so everything came to a head with classical music. Nice. A young brit guy performed the Grieg concerto, which was very good (though he rushed the cadenzas, sloppy), and then they rolled out the Bruckner Ninth, which was very... sprawlng. All in all, a successful trip.


Blogger DD said...

I got to say I am jealous. Reminds me of the trip to see the 9th in Seattle. If I had a time machine... that didn't require this studded leather time collar. The question that night was, "Should we hit a bar for a few beers." The answer SHOULD have been yes. To bad I found my adventerous side after I moved away from Seattle and the "Krew." :)Someday we will all be together again... as the atoms that once composed our bodies are sucked into the same super massive black hole. "We've never been closer."

Nice Picture
Nice Shirt
Nice Lighting
Nice Background

10/2/07 4:48 AM  

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