01 May, 2009


And that's about enough of shove-tales. Update time! We played our second Seattle show last night, at the "historic" Blue Moon Tavern, which I thought went quite well, despite learning afterward the keys were inaudible (for which I blame the stupid (well, jaded) sound check guy). The magic grows stronger with every show, no doubt about it. The next month will see more emphasis on recording, I'm told.

Foremost on my mind: at loooong last, thursday of this week Jenny & I are flying to Japan. I'm nowhere near ready, but really how ready can you be for mf-ing JAPAN? Never, or uh, "not" is the answer to that ostensibly rhetorical question. I am very keen on the investigation of (& simply soaking in) a culture that is so famously omnivorous. Or just surreal. I will try not to cross the Yakuza. (Man, I hope I don't cross the Yakuza.)

My Japanese language skills are weak at best, so we'll be relying quite heavily on the ingenious Japanese public school English education program (lucky time #1). Most interestingly, I'm bringing my iPod touch, which has wifi capability, and will likely be our primary source of information; interesting because being able to stay in a foreign country in which you do not speak the language and having a technology (even better! a wireless technology!) to more or less be your guide is solid proof that we're living in the future. Paul Bowles had to know French when he lived in Tangiers but mothafocka I got the internets.

Also I'm looking forward to eating sushi for every meal. Oh, shit.


Blogger FM Hradek said...

Have fun over there!

4/5/09 11:08 PM  

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