23 May, 2007


I just had the most interesting experience: after cleaning the kitchen I took out the trash, and stepping outside I immediately heard the loud, low, growling hum of a large diesel truck (imagine it now, please). Think like 4 As below middle C, a clearly definable tone, and right next door. Then, the wail of a single chainsaw comes in, joined almost immediately by another right next to it. Looks like a roadside crew is taking care of some wayward tree limbs. Finally, a third chainsaw breaks in from our neighbors in the opposite direction, forming a trio of loud shredding quasi-tonal noise over the guttural drone of industry's foremost bass instrument, the diesel engine. Perhaps I've been listening to too much Sunn 0))), but I was out there entranced for several minutes, my eyes rolled back in my head, the world my impromptu surround-sound concert.

Update, 9:44am: Oh man, a helicopter just flew by!


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