26 March, 2005

is this not a perfectly reasonable place to park?

SO. Hi! It's been an interesting week + a half, having been to parts internationally northern last weekend, followed up by almost this entire week spent down in Tacoma helping Hava convalesce from oral surgery. Well, helping her mother help her, which works out best for everyone, because she likes to pay in beer.

The reason we went to Canada was, as I told the customs officer on the way back into the states, we got a cheap rate on a Hotel. $29 a person for 2 nights, not too shabby...

There, some wacky pictures of the room. We went with 2 others: a friend of H's since seventh grade (Jared), and another friend of hers from Pierce from a year or so ago (Rachel). Aside from seeing a lot of pretty scenery and expensive cars & clothing, the main feature of the trip was the fracture of the friendship between Hava & Rachel. Not much to tell really. Jared, Rachel & I were all a little drunk and standing out in the snow, when Hava made a minor mistake (we were going to a club, and Hava forgot her ID) and Rachel acted very rude and condescending, and that started one of those awful chain reactions, where the plugs are eased out of the dam and all those little annoyances that build up come bursting out... not pretty. This story wouldn't be topical at all (the big T!) without extensive character building - but I wanted to tell it to pose a question, kind of like the setup to a riddle, so prepare to introspunctify: we however many (you know if you are, if you're reading this) wouldn't come to that at this point. Why not? It's not that we haven't come close a thousand times. Or, do you think it could happen? Or, Vishnu forbid, has already?

It's been an incredibly self-reflective couple weeks; I guess I've been searching for what sets me apart from my surroundings, how my relationships hold together or don't, trying to glimpse that part, or those processes, at the center of my being that constitute an individual. And especially what it all means in the context of existence, both mine specifically and as a human being in general. Boiled down, purpose. Is there personal purpose, or is our script plotted by our DNA? It's probably got a pragmatic root in my school situation. It's sometimes hard to see the light on the end of the tunnel (the carrot on the end of the stick?).

Addendum - There were good happy times, e.g. 2001 - that entire year, we first watched all that anime, discovered Sapporo and blah di blah, it was fantastic. Then those times had to end, as does everything; or better yet, that quantity that is the sum of all the factors of existence (a.k.a. "good times") was continually augmented until unrecognizeable. Am I responsible for maintaining the good parts? Or must I let them go, as I must with everything? This discussion is far from over, and I didn't get as much out this post as I wanted. I'm going BACK down tomorrow morning for y'Easter with the parents, so more stories later.

Current Music: Steely Dan, Hey Nineteen


Blogger FM Hradek said...

Well this is an interesting post! I suppose you make of your life what you want. Nothing is written down anywhere for you. I suppose we need to ask, what do you mean by letting those good times go? Are you willing to continue those good times today? By forgetting them, are you moving on because you have put yourself in a situation that negates all possiblities of continuing such times?

So was Canada everything you hoped it to be?

Ah, explaining the disagreements between your girlfriend and one of her friends. You know, I don't think you can do this ojectively. :-)

You are seeking truth?

28/3/05 10:15 AM  
Blogger FM Hradek said...

Pecromino Romano is such a good cheese.

28/3/05 10:38 AM  
Blogger FM Hradek said...

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28/3/05 10:40 AM  
Blogger josh p said...

Hm, but that's exactly what I'm wondering - things aren't literally "written down" in roman lettering on a flat surface somewhere, but there are scripts encoded into our behavioral storehouses, so that we "choose" certain actions over others... I think I was just wondering to what extent my scripts affect my relationships. And I didn't mean we should outright forget good times, I just meant that pining can get in the way of forging new good times. No more pining.

And yeah, you're right about the objectivity thing. It's a struggle, heh heh.

Yes, Canada was everything + more; it's so pretty there.

As for truth: haven't you heard? Nothing is true! ;-D More on that later, in a more serious vein.

30/3/05 1:13 PM  

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