27 December, 2009

seven degrees of 2009

This image neatly summarizes the awesomeness of 2009 for me. That's me (looking sinister) standing with Quiet Bird Man, a character created by Jamie Tanner. Jenny got him to draw it, I assume through egregious use of the dark arts. I was introduced to QBM in the (quite superior) Project Superior collection, to which Tanner's was my favorite contribution; I seriously considered getting him tattooed somewhere (blinking, of course). I read Project Superior while in Hawaii visiting Jenny's family (and loitering in paradise); and the reference photo Jenny sent him was taken at a temple in Tokyo. So linking in Christmas, for which it was gifted, you have there some of the best major events of my 2009. Of course there was much more -- but as it is, the summary is surprisingly comprehensive. Speaking of Christmas:

(thanks again, Megan!)

UPDATE: Why seven degrees? Because I said so. Shut up.


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