20 March, 2008

write a song, i'll sing along

I know it sounds cliché, but it feels like this winter has lasted for years. So this year the equinox is like a wave breaking, and I'm feeling extra the swell of good feelings about weather warming up and adventure and music festivals and all that good stuff. And it seems like I'm not alone in this experience - most of the folks I know seem to have had a bumpy ride through January, at least. I think now we're going to start seeing the wonder of what will come to be known as 2008, the Year of the Creeping Awesome.

Braden's going to be headquartered down here soon, which I'm also quite excited about. In other news, sounds like they're making yet another Dune movie, directed by this guy for some reason, and produced by this hack. I am not only not optimistic, I am angry. Wtfcopter.

On a positive note though, this is a totally amazing-looking and comprehensive mp3 compilation chronicling the history of hip-hop. History! Yay!


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